Thursday, December 1, 2011


Guess what USA workers, you're not only getting much less vacation time than most of the industrialized world, but you're also afraid to use all of the little you get.

Yes - all you tired, overworked, yet scaredy cat Yankee employees -'s Annual Vacation Depravation Study shows that once again Americans are getting the short end of the time off stick.

This 2011 survey - after interviewing over 7,000 folk from 20 countries in North/South America, Europe, Asia & Australia - discovered that Uncle Sam's workforce is really getting screwed, vacation-wise. 

In the 'How Many VaCa Days Do You Get' category, we tie Singapore with 14. 

Doesn't sound too bad until you realize that there only 2 countries who get less than us - those paragons of worker's rights Japan (11 days) & South Korea (10).

Brazil, Denmark, Spain, Germany & France all tied for 1st with a whopping 30 vacation days off per year - & that doesn't count their national holidays.

And - unbelievably - we actually give a few days back.

Unlike France, UK, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore & Brazil - who use everyone of theirs - we opt to let our employers keep 2.

I mean - even if you think you can't afford to take a big mind & body refreshing trip - you can walk to a local park, go to a nearby museum, peruse a neighborhood library, take the kids to a playground, sleep late, read the entire paper, watch a free movie on TV...

...Anything but do not give up one day your '3rd from the bottom of the worldwide list' earned time off.

Check out their chart.


And despite this extra work & less play, we're no more productive than the other 19 countries - & definitely less happy, healthy & rested.

If you have the strength - and time - take a peek at the entire report:

And next time you read about your congress/senate reps  multi-week vacation time off, why not give them a call & ask how you too can climb on board their 'holiday' bandwagon.

Hey, maybe they can explain why we're 17th in the world.

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