Saturday, December 10, 2011


Tired of getting to airports hours before your flight due to the long delays at the security check point lines?

Do you become misty at the thought of the pre-jailbird OJ Simpson actually running through airports in those ancient Hertz TV ads?

Well, nostalgic/tired traveler, the TSA has felt your pain & created 'Black Diamond' lanes

Since 2/08, 51 airports have offered BDs to 'expert travelers' who can ace all TSA boarding procedures. Now these 'pros' can zip through checkpoint lines.

So what do you have to know to reach this status?

The TSA suggests:

DO: Wear slip-on shoes. Laces and zippers will slow you down.

DO: empty your pockets and put loose items in your purse, jacket pockets, or carry-on bag while before you get to the checkpoint.

DO: place magazines, snacks or souvenirs purchased in the airport in a carry-on bag or purse before you get to the checkpoint. 
Consolidating your items before they go in the bins will help you recompose quickly and clear the checkpoint exit area.

DO: have your liquids baggie out of your carry-on, and make sure you don't have any loose liquid items in your purse or carry-on bag. Notify a security officer if you have any exempt liquids so an officer can provide additional screening if necessary.

DO: put your shoes and coat in the first bin and any carry-on bags in other bins. Then after your bins go through the x-ray, you can slip your shoes and coat on while waiting for your other items to come out.

DO: put your laptop bag in the bin before your laptop. Then as the bins come out of the x-ray, just slip it back in, zip and go.

DO: put your bins on the belt for the x-ray machine vertically versus horizontally. This allows the security officers to view more than one image at a time, and helps speed up the process.

DON'T: try to put shoes or boots with zippers or laces on right when you take them out of the bins. Move to the side to let other passengers take their items and go.

Got all that? 

Ok, it's not exactly cranium surgery, but master these 'dos/don'ts' then proudly march up to the Black Diamond security point & race through like the knowledgeable frequent flyer that you are. 

For the list of all 51 APs offering BDs click on the 'diamonds' on the map at:

And run as fast as 'the Juice' once did - with or without the Bruno Maglis.

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