Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Like to 'fly' one of these babies?

Many folk have had the dream - since they were kids - to march in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade down NYC's streets while commandeering one of these world famous giant character balloons. 

Well those little magic makers at Universal may make this dream come true - sort of.

Ok, you'll actually be about 1,000 miles south - give or take - of the Big Apple. And since the parade is only 20 - 30 minutes long, its route is a tad shorter. 

But you will be on U's fairly convincing Manhattan mock up outdoor street & - thanks to Orlando's balmy temps - neither hand, tootsie nor finger frostbite will be a concern.

Yes - from now through January 1 - this can be you:

...  in blue, holding the cables, at U's daily version of the parade.

Plus it's free - that is after you pay U's theme park entrance fee. 

So how do you become a 'for the day' balloon pilot?

Either check at guest relations when you enter the park or - about 2 hours before the parade - be on the look out for multicolored jump suit wearing 'professional balloon wranglers' who roam the park searching for volunteers. They'll sign you up on the spot.

But not just anyone can hold the strings. 

You must you be wearing closed toed shoes, can walk 2 miles, be over 18, be able to lift 50 lbs, have a free 2 hours, can speak English & - of course - happen to be in the U theme park.

There is no pay, but you will get to wear a very stylish jumpsuit & receive an official 'I carried a big balloon' - or something like that - cert. 

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