Thursday, December 29, 2011


Next December 21, the Mayan 5,000 plus year calender ends. 

There are those who believe that this predicts the final bow of planet Earth.

Some theories say an errant, mysterious planet causes complete destruction by too closely crossing our orbital path.  

Others claim that misaligning stars screw up our poles creating deadly weather patterns that make even some of Al Gore's darkest  'inconvenient truths' look like balmy summer days at the beach.

Although this doesn't bode so badly for those of you living in Detroit, Cleveland, Camden, NJ or any area that may be yet scheduled to hold possibly one more Republican Presidential debate - for the rest of us - let me just say that it would more than just 'ruin our day'.

Ok, we all know that the chances of this Mayan calender telling us anything - besides that its makers may have run out of ink, paper or interest in what will be happening 5,125 years in their future - are really very remote.

But one thing is for sure - south of the boarder tourism is going to get a big boost.

With all the 'world is ending' hoopla, some travel experts believe that over 50 million people will visit Mexican Mayan historical sites next year - just in case.

Can you say, 'You want HOW MANY pesos for that room?!?'?

Well, Sandy & I beat the rush, saved some coin - & missed the possibility of being smack in the middle of ground zero for a cataclysmic event (just in case those crafty ol' Mayan astronomers knew just a bit more than the late Carl Sagan) - by visiting Tulum last week.

Ok, these aren't the biggest, most impressive, best preserved ruins in Mexico.

You'd have to go to Chichen Itza - the 'Disneyland' of all such sites - for that.

Chichén Itzá - Chichen Itza, Yucatan
Chichen Itza

But these are very well preserved.


Are easily accessible as a cruise ship day excursion - thus saving the need for a 'soon to be higher priced' hotel & plane.
And Tulum is directly on the beautiful Caribbean - right on the beach - so those in your family who have a less historic bent can don a bathing suit & go for a swim.
But don't expect lifeguards - hey this is Mexico.

And be sure to hold onto the railing - with both hands - on the steep, winding 'la playa' stairs.
After all -with some folks' luck - that could be the exact time all ancient predictions come true.

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