Saturday, December 31, 2011


As Sandy & I look back at our past year of travel we realize that the best - & most memorable - moments about visiting our 13 countries & 9 states were due to the people we were fortunate enough to meet.

Look, the way we travel is very simple: we try to avoid hotels & opt for staying in local residents' homes.

This works for 4 main reasons:

1. We're not rich & this is much cheaper.

But that isn't the most important. It simply makes it possible for us to visit more places without fearing an all too soon stay in debtor's prison.

The important ones are:

2. We stay in actual neighborhoods & get a 1st hand feel for how the locals really live.

3. We meet people in a more personal way.

And - the best reason -

4. We've made some really good worldwide friendships that can last way beyond a one time vacation.

So, how do you find these private home lodgings?

There are numerous web sites, but we've had the best luck with 

A big plus in using this is that not only do you see the homes, know what type of accommodation you're actually getting, read the owner's 'rules' of the house & get the complete price with no later 'surprise ad ons' ...

But you can actually read reviews - some are really brutally honest - from fellow travelers who have actually stayed there.

I can truly say, that we've never had a bad experience booking through 'ABnB' & we've stayed in private homes in England, Scotland & throughout the east coast of the USA.

And we're already booked in homes in Paris & Rome for 2012.

The only surprise we've had is that every stay was even better than what we thought it would be.

Sandy & I would like to thank our 2011 'worldwide hosts' Michael & Bernard, Jane, Stephanie, Peter & Adrian, Millie, Eileen & Michael, Evelyn, Matt & Jackie, Shelly & Steve, Deb & Tony, Terry & Chris, Ben, Sebastian, Sara, Katie & Luke for sharing their homes, lifestyles & their cities/states/countries with us.

You are all in our thoughts, smiles & hearts.

Happy 2012 traveling to all.


  1. We were fortunate to have hosted you and Sandy! Happy 2012!

    1. You two really made our Charleston stay great fun. Sandy still talks about the 'mate' morning & Peter's 'Steeler' T shirt. You both really made us feel 100% at home. Thanks to all the wonderful things you told us about Cordoba, we have added to our 'places to go' list. Hope to see you both in 2012.

  2. So delighted to have met you, Sandy and Jack. You are actually "immortalized" in my airbnb house pictures. We will see each other again in 2012!

    1. Evelyne, Thank you for writing & thank you for following our blog. We had a wonderful time sharing your beautiful Asheville home where we enjoyed some of the best breakfasts on the planet, special international teas everyday & the pleasure of learning a bit more about our world through your fascinating & informative observations. We both are honored to have a starring role one of your Air BNB photos. Hope our paths cross soon.

  3. It was an absolute pleasure to have met you both. We've been following your blog with much interest and delight. Keep them coming! Hugs from us in London xxxx

  4. Hey guys. Thanks for writing such kind words. You were our first Air BNB hosts ( & will always be our favorite). We both smile whenever we think of you, your lovely flat & how much we truly enjoyed spending time with the both of you. May 2012 bring you both (& our pal Dylan) all the happiness possible.
