Sunday, January 1, 2012


If you want to see this in person - you have until closing time tonight.

That's right, Universal Studios Florida is closing its popularity waning 'Jaws' attraction on January 2.

Once the lynchpin of the movie theme park (combined with the long gone King Kong), this memorial to the first film mega buck hit is only hours away from attacking its final boat.

Why? According to Universal wags, although the ride had 'sentimental value' the movie was big a very long time ago - way back in the almost prehistoric 70s.

'There are a lot of people today who weren't even born when it came out.'

Ok, you don't have to be a seer (or wizard) to see Universal moneymen eyeballing the bottom line results from it's phenomenally successful Harry Potter exhibits that raised park revenues by 50%.

Even Disney - the big dog in town - noticed & is in the hunt for the extra tourist coin by building rides based on the wildly popular (& soon to be as wildly popular) 'Avatar' flicks. Yes, there are 2 more sequels in the works.

Although they are now mum about what is going to replace it - no doubt U will utilize the vacant Jaws space for what they believe will be the next big, more youth orientated & therefore more profitable thing.

So for now, Jaws joins the other U castoffs - Kong, Alfred Hitchcock, Back To The Future, The World of Hanna Barbera, Earthquake & Jimmy Neutron - & will only be ridden in our memories.

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