Monday, January 30, 2012


Cuba is in high tourist demand. Havana hotels & eateries are almost busting at the seams trying to accommodate all of this new business.

In 2011, 2.7 million worldwide peeps spent $2.3 billon here. Tourism is Cuba's #1 money maker. They'll be more this year.

And why not? The place is gorgeous, safe, warm, loaded with tourist friendly activities/cafes & is priced right.

But why now?

Travel experts credit last year's 'Arab Spring' protest problems with making many Europeans take their normal North African winter vacation bookings & move them to seemingly safer Cuba.

And don't forget the change in the USA's policy towards the island that's only 90 miles from Key West.

Since the 60s, travel to Castro-land was forbidden by Uncle Sam for his residents. A policy that might have made sense then (for at least a few seconds) - but 6 decades later?

Finally in 2009, Prez Obama made it easier for Cuban Americans to re-visit their old 'homeland'. 

They went in droves.

Unofficial estimates say 375,000 Cuban Americans headed to the island in 2010.

And although restrictions still remain, new rules allow Cuban travel by academic, religious and cultural groups. So US tourist #s will soar.

One American travel agent said he's already signed up 2,200 people for trips.

National Geographic Expeditions' website shows that it has totally booked all 17 tours of Cuba planned from now through May.

The prez also expanded the number of airports that can serve the Cuban market. Most travel to Cuba from the United States originates in Miami and New York.

But beware. If you're looking for 5 star, luxury rooms, this ain't the place. Cuba's a bit behind in building for this tourist surge.

Right now, its best hotels are not on par with other countries. Standards do drop quickly depending on price and location.  

Some don't have hot water.

Even at the landmark Hotel Nacional,  complaints of 'dank' rooms & roaches are voiced.

But in the coming years - if this tourist trend continues - this will change.

Hey - when you finally go - toast at least one mojito to the Arab protesters & Obama. 

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