Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Ok, what famous international destination city is opening up not 1, but 2 brand new museums this year?

No, not Paris, Rome, Florence, London nor even New York. 

It's that world renown venue for all museum mavens - Las Vegas.

But before you cancel your season passes to the Louvre, Uffizi, Tate or MOMA in favor of a RT to Sin City & a room at Caesars' brand new Octavian Tower - understand that the only art you may see is either made with neon or the 'art' of perfectly placing a 22 caliber slug into some sap's brain.

Yes, children, the 'National Museum of Organized Crime & Law Enforcement' - lovingly referred to as the ' Mob Museum' - officially opens downtown on Feb 14.

Not only does the NMOCLE have artifacts & interactive exhibits from organized crime’s cream like Al Capone,  George 'Bugs' Moran, Charlie 'Lucky' Luciano, Meyer Lansky & Ben 'Bugsy' Siegel, but it also has the brick wall - hopefully complete with bullet holes & all - from the infamous St. Valentine's Day Massacre that will be celebrating its 83rd anniversary on opening day.

The $42 mil museum is in a historic 1933 building that once housed a federal courthouse. 

Open 7 days a week, prices are: 
General Admission:   $18
Seniors, Military, Law Enforcement & Teachers:  $14
Children (5-17), Students (18-23):  $12
Nevada Residents:  $10

There's no mention of any discounts if your last name is 'Soprano'.


This will be followed sometime next summer by the official grand opening of the 'Neon Museum'. 

Located on 3 acres, this baby houses over 150 vintage Las Vegas strip & downtown neon signs, dating from the 1930s to the 1990s. Its visitor center is a remodeled version of the La Concha Motel. 

Ok, the 'neons' have been collecting signs since the mid 90s, but this is the 1st time they can be all seen by the public at one spot without a special appointment.


True, neither of these are in the same league as the great museums of the world - hey what can you expect from a town that gave us Fat Elvis - but they may be a step up from the now closed Liberace one.

However, if the tables are cold & you've eaten your fill at the afternoon buffets, a downtown trip to either might keep a few bucks in your pocket, an inch off your waist line & possibly give you an interesting, enjoyable, informative, nostalgic & maybe even profitable couple of hours.

Hey - at the Mob Muse - you might even learn the tricks needed to start your own neighborhood numbers game.

Could be the 1st time you leave Vegas a winner.

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