Saturday, January 21, 2012


Tired of being treated like royalty on your vacations? Is too much 'niceness' turning your stomach? Miss the nagging of your in laws or ex-spouse? Need to hear a few more 'F bombs' & 'up  yours-es'?

Then before booking your next trip you should check out the latest edition of Travel + Leisure Magazine where they named America's Top 20 Rudest Cities.

Of course, any measure of true rudeness may be in the mind of the beholder, so take a look at the reasons for each city's place on the list before deciding if any are really insulting enough for your tastes:

But if you don't give a damn about the 'whys' & just want to know 'which ones', here they are:

1. New York City, NY
2. Miami, FL
3. Washington, DC
4. Los Angeles, CA
5. Boston, MA
6. Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX
7. Atlanta, GA
8. Phoenix / Scottsdale, AZ
9. Baltimore, MD
10. Orlando, FL
11. Philadelphia, PA
12. Las Vegas, NV
13. Anchorage, AK
14. Chicago, IL
15. San Francisco, CA
16. Houston, TX
17. Seattle, WA
18. Providence, RI
19. San Diego, CA
20. Salt Lake City, UT

And - if this is what you're looking for - may all your insults be big ones.

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