Thursday, January 19, 2012


Officials at the Paris museum Musee d'Orsay lost their ' c'est la vive' attitudes when 3 shapely young women recently dropped their coats & ran through their famed galleries in their skivvies.

This was a publicity stunt for French lingerie maker Etam. The company secretly filmed this 'semi streak' to perk public interest for the upcoming debut of their spring/summer line. 

They also filmed the 'outer clothes-less' trio at the Eiffel Tower & De Gaulle airport. 

Well, the clip hit the net - without the museum's permission - & the merde hit the fan.

Now the museum is threatening to sue Etam for a 'serious infringement' of its rights.

Really? It seems like this stunt is a good PR intro to the musee's next show, ironically titled: Degas & The Nude. 

Maybe the 'Orsay' folk would have been happier if the trio was wearing tutus.

Any way, take a look at the clip & see for yourself:

As for me, I hope Etam films their surprise 'fall line promos' at the Louvre when I'm visiting it in Paris next summer. 

Then both the Mona Lisa & I will have yet another reason to smile.

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