Thursday, January 5, 2012


Want to walk in the footsteps of Jesus? How about jog? Well, the Israel Tourism Ministry wants to give you that chance to do both.

Their newly opened 'Gospel Trail' winds past 39 miles of famous New Testament sites from Nazareth - over the rivers & through the woods (while passing quite a few Jewish & Arab burgs) - &  ends at Capernaum, the fishing town that was home to 'J man' himself.  

The ITM believes this new quasi 'holy trail' will attract 200,000 Christians over the next 12 months.

'Jogging for Jesus' - with the extra tourist coin - sounds like a benign revenue raising publicity ploy that should offend no one, right?

Well - au contraire mon frere - it's really pissing off the backers of 'The Jesus Trail' - a free 40 miler - that since 2007 has been the only 'Christ-like walk in town'.

And instead of 'turning the other cheek', the JT-ers are so fighting mad at the Ministry - that once supported the JT both financially & even gave it PR on their web site - that they've created -

- a site to push both the benefits of their own 'original pious path' & to crucify those ITM Judases.

It seems that the JT-ers believe 'the public has been deceived by the Ministry of Tourism... (&) are sad to see so much time and money put into (attempting & failing) to recreate (the JT)  walking experience.' 

They claim that although the GT is quite similar to the JT, it differs by adding some grade 'B' biblical sites & avoiding such 'A ticket' attractions like the Horns of Hattin, Nebi Shu'eib & it even avoids climbing the 'must see' Mt. Arbel.

How could the IMT ever look into the Old Testament's face again?

JT-ers also claim:

1.  The GT is not as well marked - ie: you will get lost & possibly die on this route.

2. It's farther from public transportation - ie: you will walk farther in the hot sun & possibly die from the extra exposure.

3. Water & food are not as readily available - ie: you will possibly  dehydrate or starve to death on the GT.

Are you getting their subtle message?

I guess - for the true believers - all this Galilee griping boils down to one question:

Which path would Jesus take? 

I don't know. But if he's anything like me he'd wait for the one that lets you walk on water.

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