Friday, January 20, 2012


Remember that Seinfeld episode when there's a fire at a children's party & George Costanza almost knocks everyone over to be the 1st one out?

'I was leading the way for all the children to follow', he said (or something like it).

When a fireman asked, 'How do you live with yourself?', George replied, 'It ain't easy.'

Well, when ship captain Francesco Schettino explained why he fled his sinking Costa Concordia cruise ship BEFORE all the passengers, he 'out georged' George.

'I was helping some passengers put the life boat to sea. At a certain point the mechanism for lowering it, blocked. We had to force it. Suddenly the system unblocked itself and I tripped and I found myself inside the life boat with a number of passengers.'

And once in the lifeboat that was lowered into the sea, it was 'impossible to go back onboard'. 

But in recorded radio transmissions released Tuesday, Schettino is heard telling Italian Port Authority officials that he and other officers had abandoned ship.

'And with 100 people still on board, you abandon ship?', the Port Authority officer questioned incredulously.

Schettino quickly responded , 'I didn't abandon any ship... because the ship turned on its side quickly and we were catapulted into the water.'

If this wasn't so tragic, it would be funny.

How can this guy live with himself?

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