Friday, December 30, 2011


Every hear of the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary?

Neither had I until yesterday when they announced the passing of this famous 80 year old resident:

Don't you recognize this Hollywood star?

Well, neither did I, but SPS Director Debbie Cobb claims that this is the original 'Cheetah' from the Johnny Weismuller MGM 1930s flicks.

In fact, she said old JW himself dropped the chimp off to her grandparents - when they ran the Florida Palm Harbor sanctuary - around 1960. This 'Cheetah' was in the 1932 - 34 films.

That would make him the simian star of both 'Tarzan The Ape Man' & 'Tarzan & His Mate'. The 1st two of the Weismuller series & probably the best.

Plus this baby was rated #1 on Entertainment Weekly's list of '10 Best Monkeys in the Movies'. Quite an honor for any acting ape.

So all Hollywood animal movie lovers should send flowers - or at least a ripe bunch of bananas - to honor his memory, right?

Not necessarily so.

It seems that there are serious doubters to the authenticity of this monk's claim to fame because:

1. Most chimps live between 40 - 60 years in captivity. At 80, this great grandpa would be the oldest ever recorded.

2. There are Hollywood historians who claim the actual 1932-34 star was a 'Mr. Jiggs' who peeled his last banana in 1938.

3. Besides Cobb's word, where is the proof?

'Uh,' said Cobb, 'there was a fire in '95 where a lot of that documentation burned up.'

Hmmm. This makes some movie mavens wonder aloud if this could simply be a publicity ploy to get more foot traffic for the sanctuary.

Perhaps. After all it does cost a lot of coin to feed the sanctuary's over 70 animals - that includes more than just primates. 

Check out their You Tube video:

And a 10 spot for adults - 5 buckeroos for kids - will buy bunches of bananas & help keep all cages clean.

But so what?

Hey these peeps are doing some very good work for some homeless animals so who really cares if they monkey-ed a bit with the truth to keep the place solvent & running?

And this 'Cheetah-gate' thing could be as innocent as it being just another 'maybe it happened, maybe it didn't Grandma/Grandpa story' told to an accepting, wide-eyed, very young granddaughter about the day 'Tarzan' visited their little zoo & dropped off a special package.

One thing we do know, this 'Cheetah' was outgoing, enjoyed finger painting, liked football & was soothed by listening to 'nondenominational Christian music'.

How he could tell the difference between 'denom' & 'nondenom' is anybody's guess.

But this 'Cheetah' could be a bit cranky. If he didn't care for somebody, he'd fling a handful of his own poop at them.

Now - if aimed at the right folk - that's something I'd pay a 20 (or more) to see.

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