Thursday, December 8, 2011


The sad fact is - as we gray, the smaller our world becomes.

As we reach our 70s, 80s & 90s travel - especially by air with intimidating & confusing security check points, gate changes, long walking distances to planes, etc. - becomes very difficult, if not impossible.

That was until 'Flying Companions' debuted.

This new Atlanta based company will not only provide a 'flying companion' for grandma - but also for children, the handicapped or anyone who fears flying solo. 

That's not all.

If you'd like, they will also pick you up at your home, arrange any wheelchair or 'through the airport' cart transportation, hold your hand through security, boarding, take off, landing & arrival, help in mastering airport/airline restrooms and personally deliver you to a destination home.

Believe it or not, they'll also arrange all flight tickets & transfers. 

A truly complete door to door service.

Ok, this does not come cheaply. Plan on spending a couple of thou. 

The total price varies depending on time of year, how far advance you book, the services you want & the distance to be traveled. 

Remember, besides all the 'FC' fees you will also be picking up RT tix for your 'companion'.

But for the freedom to fly again & peace of mind, it may be worth it.

For more info call - 1-888-350-8886 or check out their website:

Thanks to 'Flying Companions', grandma's world may have suddenly grown.

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