Friday, December 2, 2011


Yes, this innocent looking 'blue balloon' could not only spoil your day at the beach, but  - in some cases - it could kill you.

Do I have your attention now?

This little baby is a 'Portuguese Man O' War' & it can be found in warm ocean water (and on warm ocean beaches) around the world.

Some call it a jellyfish, but that's not quite right. A j-fish is a single creature. Although a MOW may look like one blue sea dweller, it's actually made up of many tiny little buggers. Each is specialized to do a special job.

And - as a by product from one of those jobs - they can sting the bejesus out of you.

Ok, unlike what you might have seen on an episode of 'Baywatch' - where a monster 'man o' seemed to stalk unwary bathers - they are not people hunters. In fact the only way these guys move is by:

...wind power. 

Here in south Florida - where we are very close to the Gulf Stream (otherwise known as MOW home turf) - whenever you get an east or south east breeze, these blue meanies may not be far behind.

You see, the gas filled bubble part of these bad boys acts as sail, so they basically 'blow' from place to place wherever the wind may carry them.

But the bubble is not the problem, the tentacles are.

These are built to 'sting' little fish into a stupor so they can be pulled up into the creature & devoured.

If they happen to 'float' into you it can feel like you're being whipped with liquid fire. 

Believe me, 'Ouch' isn't a strong enough word.

And if you are one who is allergic to things - like, say, bee stings - a MOW meeting could precede a trip to the ER or worse.

So what do you do to avoid an encounter? If you see ...

... red & purple or yellow & purple flags flying from a lifeguard tower - meaning at least one MOW has been spotted in the area - it might be a good day to discover the joys of your hotel swimming pool.

Even if you don't see any on water 'blue balloons', you still can be stung. Tentacles can float many yards away from them.

And - in rough water - they can break off, be miles away from their 'sails' & still sting you badly.

Please don't think you're safe if these babies are beached. Their poison can be potent for days.

So what do you do - if in spite all of your safety precautions - you still are stung?

Kids, please don't try this at home. We are trained professionals. Or something like that.

If you begin having breathing problems, tightness in your chest, etal..... get thee to the hospital ER ASAP. This could be a very, very, very serious - no joke - situation.

If you just 'hurt like hell' you can spray the sting with white vinegar, meat tenderizer that has 'papain' in it or a mixture of ammonia & water.

Then with a handkerchief, towel - anything but bare fingers - pick off any tentacles that may remain on your skin.

Do not put fresh water on the spot BEFORE spraying with 'V, MT or A'. If you do, it will cause the 'stingers' to work in overdrive.

Ok, what if you don't have any 'V, MT or A' handy? Well, you can use the old sailors' trick & - ahem - pee on the sting.

The ammonia in urine should bring relief.

Just make sure your hands are completely free of even the most minute piece of MOW stinger.

Imagine the dance you'll do if your - hmmm, let's say - peeing 'tap' meets tentacle?

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