Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bedbugs Still Putting on the Bite

Although the only blood suckers the press seems to be writing about these days are Washington politicians, innocent travelers are still encountering hungry bedbugs in  North American hotels.

According to the Bedbug Registry (Yes, Virginia, there actually is a bedbug registry) - 'these retro pests are spreading extremely quickly across American and Canadian cities'.  Yikes!

And the news gets worse - '...they have become an especial nuisance for hotels, dorms, hospitals, movie theaters, libraries, and other public spaces.' Double yikes!

But I'm safe - you may say - when I stay in a clean, brand name 4 star hotel, right?

Au contraire according to the BBR-ers -  'You can't tell whether a building or hotel room has them based on cleanliness - the bugs can thrive anywhere there are cracks and crevices to hide in.'

Are you scratching yet? 

A look at their official 'where bedbugs are dining' map

shows the greatest concentration of attacks in the northeast but since - 'Bed bugs are easy to transport in luggage and very hard to get rid of' - they could be anywhere'.

So what do you do?

According to those BBR pessimists - 'Until a reliable, safe pesticide becomes available, avoiding bed bug encounters will be the only reliable way to ensure they don't spread into your own home'.

Does this mean we're doomed to have a travel-less life? Maybe not.

A company called 'Greenbug' claims to have an all natural product (made from cedar) that can kill bedbugs in one minute.

Unfortunately, you'll have to remove your bedding, wear a respirator & safety goggles, bring your fogger (imagine the fun of getting that through airport security) & make your hotel room look like 1940s London for at least 4 hours. Obviously not practical for over night stays.

Take a peek at their video on YouTube -
and decide for yourself.

A more portable idea may be the 'Bugstop Suitcase & Case' sold by the Allergy

For $39.99 you get what looks like a big bag to put around your suitcase. They suggest -
'After using your suitcase cover just fold it up and place it in the pouch that is included .When you get home throw the pouch with cover into the dryer for 15 minutes to kill any eggs or live bugs.' 

Hmmm. But how do I get the cover & bag - that could be loaded with eggs or live bugs - home? Put it inside my suitcase?

'We do not guarantee that you won't get bed bugs while traveling, but we do guarantee that bed bugs can't get into your suitcase while it is encased.'

Where do I take the 'encasement' off? In the hotel where more bedbugs can hop on? In the street outside the hotel? I'm confused.

Maybe the allergic one can tell us  -

But maybe those doom and gloom guys at BBR aren't so buggy afterall.

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