Friday, August 12, 2011

What If Fatty Arbuckle Is Your Airplane Seat Mate?

Since the latest Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index shows that a whopping 63.1% of adults in the U.S. were either overweight (36.6%) or obese (26.5%), you have a pretty good chance that eventually you could be sitting next to someone who's greatest fantasy in life is that he/she can fit into one ever so tiny coach airplane seat. Fantasies are fine, until a layer or two of it 'noodges' over into your assigned space.

So what can you do if you're the 'Laurel' to a seat mate's 'Hardy?

The answer is - move quickly.

Before someone can say, 'Seatbelt extender' you should discreetly (and hopefully out of ear shot ) explain the situation to a flight attendant. If the plane has empty seats, one of you can be moved to new found comfort. Problem solved.

But what if it's a full flight?

Then you have to move even more quickly - as in before the cabin door is closed.

Most airlines have a written policy dealing with 'customers of size' (here's United's -,6867,52985,00.html & American's -

In a nutshell, most airlines want a passenger to fit in a seat WITH BOTH ARM RESTS DOWN. If this is impossible, then the passenger usually has to buy a 2nd seat for the extra girth BEFORE getting on the plane.  

But if someone with 'extra baggage' is already on the plane, fails the arm rest test & there are no free seats, he/she can be asked to leave the flight & will be booked on another one where two seats can be reserved.

The passenger will usually be charged the same fee for the 2nd seat as paid for the 1st. Some airlines will actually refund the extra seat fee to the passenger if the flight is not full on take off.

If the 'arm rest failing' passenger refuses to leave the flight.... please don't refuse. As Mr Rogers might ask, 'Can you say fines & jail, boys & girls?'

But all of this has to transpire BEFORE THE CABIN DOOR IS CLOSED.

If you wait until it's locked & bolted, the term 'squeeze play' may have new meaning for you.

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