Friday, August 26, 2011


FL070601_D004 Blowing Rocks TNCSPLSH
A typical day at Blowing Rocks

The picture above was not taken in Hawaii or California.  It's what most tourists see when visiting the beach at  Florida's Jupiter Island 73 acre Blowing Rocks Preserve - the largest Anastasia Limestone shoreline on the US Atlantic coast.

These rocks (also known as 'Coquina' from the Spanish for 'Cockleshell') are composed of shell/coral fragments, sand & fossils (you can actually see the remains of clam & oyster shells & pieces of large snails in the limestone). Some scientists believe they are 120,000 years old.

What makes this really unique is that Coquina usually is underground or underwater. Why these rocks are 'sunning' themselves is anybody's guess.

'Ok' (you may yawn) 'But where is 'Blow' in 'Blowing Rocks'? '

For that, my friends,  you need a little help - say from a bit of storm sea surge & the proper tides.

This morning passing Hurricane Irene gave the proper push at the proper time with the proper tide:

Blowing Rocks with a little help from Hurricane Irene

Water can shoot up to 50' into the air

Waves push under the Coquina & pop out holes in the rocks forming geysers that could make "Old Faithful' blush.

Pre-wave Coquina hole


Don't try this at home, kids. (Sandy seconds before 'the incident')

Yes, this is a spectacular sight - and in person you just don't have the visual but also the audio (very much like a 'crack' of thunder as water hits rock) BUT before you jump in the car and run to Blowing Rocks (or any beach, for that matter) at the first storm warning - think. These storm surges can be strong & unpredictable.

Yesterday, a bunch of rock standing gawkers (a few miles south) got too close & were knocked  into the sea. All were rescued (thank god), but some went home via a side trip to the ER.

Even we weren't spared. While walking back to our car at Coral Cove park- 

(Ok, we're cheap. It does cost a couple of buck - each - to enter the Blow zone. But if you park at  CC and walk down the beach about 1/2 mile....)

- anyway, a surprise wave & suddenly we were in waist deep water. Sandy was knocked down &  was almost dragged out to sea (no kidding). Her  I-Pod wasn't so lucky &, sadly, will never play another song.  Ah, the sacrifices we make to bring you this blog.

But, if you use your head - stay far enough back & (for goodness sake) leave your I-pod at home - you could safely enjoy views as spectacular as these:

And not have to run to Best Buy after.

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