Monday, August 15, 2011


Florida has been invaded by lions - lionfish, that is.

These poisonous non natives have no natural enemies, are gobbling up local fish & breeding like underwater rabbits.  Scuba, snorkel & free divers can help 'cull the herd' & win quite a few 'fins' by signing up for 'lionfish derbies'.

Basically, derby teams have a day to catch as many lions as they can. This past weekend in Palm Beach County the team who snagged the most hooked a cool grand. Plus the largest & smallest lion netted $500 each.

REEF (Reef Environmental Education Foundation - who sponsor the derbies) is also hoping the catches spawn restaurant interest in adding lions to local menus. It's supposed to taste like a cross between grouper & snapper.

And you thought it would taste like chicken.

Two more derbies are planned for this year:  August 20 in Key Largo & November 5 in Key West.

For more info:

Where else can you hunt 'lions' & get swimmer's ear at the same time?

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