Monday, August 29, 2011

Don't Get 'Sliced' At The Mouse

A new scam is hitting some unaware Orlando visitors right in the old peperoni.

Many folk coming back to their hotel after a long day at Disney, Universal & Sea World are just too danged tired (or broke) to go out for dinner. Nothing may sound more tempting than a  delivered pizza (with all the toppings) to be enjoyed in the comforts of your Motel 6.

Unfortuately, not all 'pizza' entrepreneurs have ethics of Papa John. In fact they don't care about delivery in 30 minutes - but only your credit card numbers.

These  non 'Chef Boyardees' are slipping official looking flyers under motel doors promising all things pizza for a fab price. You call, give you credit card # & all that's delivered is a piping hot finacial headache for you in the form of mult- Visa charges & - the gift that keeps on giving - identity theft.

This all can be avoided the old fashioned way - look up the # in the phone book or ask the desk clerk for suggestions. Hopefully his English is better than my Indian.

BTW, Sandy & I are going on a multi week road trip up the USA NE coast. I've rented out my condo & she's sold her home, so we're free to travel & will be writing about our adventures, misadventures & discoveries on this blog.

Talk to you tonight.

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