Monday, August 22, 2011


All you 'sniffle at the drop of a hat' folk will be spared packing an extra crying towel in your carry ons thanks to those uber sensitive people at Virgin Atlantic.

Realizing that 55% of all passengers 'well up' up during certain inflight movies & a whopping 41% of men (Men?!?) admit pulling a blanket over their heads as a ruse to hide their airline tears (women, again prove to be the more clever of the species by simply faking it with the old but always usable 'there's something in my eye' trick), Virgin will now issue a 'weeper warning' before any film that could start the water works running.

The first two 'WW' carrying balling possibilities are  'Just Go With It' & 'Water For Elephants'.

Historically, the top 3 tear jerkers (voted by flights that obviously nobody named Arnold, Sly nor The Rock were on) are: 'Toy Story 3', 'The Blind Side' &  'Eat Pray Love'.

Since most men I know would be in tears just at the thought of having to sit through 'Eat Pray Love' -  that flick shouldn't count.

I don't know about you, but for airlines to keep me from crying on airplanes they have to offer: a  comfortable seat,  leg room for someone taller than a munchkin, food that tastes better than its plastic packaging, films starring guys like Arnold, Sly & Rock & a flight attendant at least a decade younger than my grandmother.

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