Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Why Should I Use A Travel Agent When You Can Get Everything You Need For Travel Off The 'Net For Free, Right?" WRONG!

As a travel consultant for SeaDreams Travel, I often hear that question. The truth is that it wouldn't cost you a cent more to book through a travel agent then to book directly with the web site, hotel, cruise line, etc.

How can that be? Because travel agent commissions are built into the price of the trip/room/cruise. Book directly with a company & they collect the same fee (with no discount for you) & pay the travel agent's commission to themselves.

'So what?', you may say. 

And if all goes well with your booking, you may be right.

But what if it doesn't?

Say your  hotel room has bed bugs, is next to a garbage dump, above an all night dance club, in an unsafe neighborhood or has a dead body under the bed...

Or your plane is late so you missed your connecting flight or your bus to the cruise ship is delayed & the ship sails on your trip of a lifetime without you...

Or your 'all inclusive meal plan' includes 'food' that seems to be crawling off your plate...

All the above (and more) have happened to travelers.

I could have stopped many of these problems BEFORE they happened (by knowing the quality & location of hotels, by booking you with a transfer service that guarantees to get you to your cruise on time & will pay to get you on the ship, even if it sails before you get there, to name two).

And you will have an advocate (as close as a phone call) to help solve any travel problem that might pop up.

In future blogs, I'll tell you about ways to get the most value from your travel dollar & to get the most enjoyment from your vacation.

I'll be happy to answer any travel question you have. Email me at & I'll answer it on this blog.

Happy traveling!!!!  

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