Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Tired of paying exorbitant airline charges for their checked in bags, many travelers beat these fees by using only 'carry-ons'.  

However, this costs the airlines $. 

Some low priced flyers - like RyanAir & Spirit - gave their bottom line a boost by charging for these 'handhelds'. 

Others LPFs limit the weight of these bags to as low as 15 lbs. Yes, there's a pre-boarding weigh-in.  Move the scale even a nano ounce more & into the plane belly they go - for the fee.

And how long until the 'big boys' - Delta, Continental, American, etal - start milking money from this carry-on cash cow?

Before you burn your frequent flyer cards & start perusing the Amtrak or Greyhound timetables, our friends at Jaktogo have another suggestion:

Why not wear all your luggage?

Review of Jaktogo

Believe it or not, this is a coat.

It does unfold & is loaded with pockets where you can stuff a couple of shirts, pants, socks, boxers (or briefs) or even a sweater, jacket & a towel (or 2). Enough for a week's vacation.

And since (at the time of this writing) there are no charges for bringing on a jacket, all of your stuff flies free.

At 1st some airlines baulked at this being a bonafide coat, but now most agree its 'jacket-worthy' & some even let it board in its folded state.

Ok, you're not going to be making cover of GQ by wearing this -does anyone remember the 60s 'Balloon Dress'? (is a Nehru  Jacket version next?) - but some feel the savings is worth the fashion faux pas.

Jaktogo foto 1

And now they've added a few different styles. But remember - the larger the coat size, the more stuff you can stuff.

Want to see how it works? -


And the Bulgarian coat company is offering a 25% discount till the end of the month. You can buy one of these babies (original style) for about $81 down from about $108.


That's less than some airlines' one trip bag fee. 

Buy one & the fashion statement you'll be making is either:

1. That you like to save some air fare moola.


2. You're really 'jones-ing' for the 60s.

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