Saturday, November 19, 2011


What do you think is more dangerous to man than this great white?

Well according to Dr. George Burgess (head honcho for Fl Museum of National History's International Shark Attack File), Brent Escott (managing director of British travel insurer Club Direct) & Dr. Peter Barss (writing in the Journal of Trauma) there is something hanging out there that kills:

'150 people worldwide each year, which makes them about ten times more dangerous than sharks'.


What could this homicidal creature be? 

An African lion? A Nile River croc? An Asian tiger? 

You ex-wife's divorce lawyer?

You should be so lucky.

No, according to this learned trio,  the more murderous bugger is this blood thirsty beast:

Yes, a common coconut. 

Of course, it would have to fall from the top of a palm tree...

... & hit you squarely on the noggin to do its damage. 

Frightening news to all travelers who plan on Caribbean -ing or Florida-ing it on beaches this winter.

But before you run out to buy a coconut proof crash helmet or cancel that cruise/hotel/plane reservation, you might want to consider this:

All 3 men are wrong. 

They based their statements on flawed statistics written in a mid 80s report that - if you really think about it - seems questionable (if not laughable) to anyone with an average IQ.

Yet not one of these knowledgeable 'experts' bothered to verify its accuracy. They accepted this claptrap as fact.

Sounds like they all might be candidates for the next GOP Prez debate.

Ok, there have been cases where someone took an Isaac Newton-like cranium coconut conk & passed to another world, but it is nowhere in the 150 per annum neighborhood.

And there has been a coconut concession - or 2 - due to a misplaced head.

But when walking down a tropical trail to the beach...

... enjoy - without worry - the sight of beautiful palms swaying in the sea breeze.

But - especially in Fl - always be ready to duck your head & run from a very real danger if you hear an elderly voice saying the most frightening word in the English language...

... 'FORE!'

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