Monday, November 28, 2011


There will be multiple Elvis sightings from Jacksonville to the Bahamas this January.

Blue Suede Shoed fans from around the world will be celebrating 'the King's' 77th b'day rocking & rolling 1/12 - 1/16 on the Carnival Fascination for the 5th Annual Elvis Cruise.

Ok, all true believers (who've been living at the 'Heartbreak Hotel' since his untimely '77 'Return To Sender') know that the late hip swinger's 1st bow was on 1/8...

 ... but what's a couple of extra days when you can party with a boatload of multi-sequined, cape wearing impersonators & a bevy of 'who the hell is that?' Elvis movie co-stars & musical guests?

I mean, look at the lineup of 'song & actor' on-boards: 

Dianna Gee 
DJ Argo
Joey Sulipeck
Tom Brown
Andy Childs
Terry Mike Jeffrey
Elvis' Imperials
The Memphis Boys
Ronnie McDowell
Joe Guercio
Holladay Sisters
Gavin Kelly
Lori Anderson
Brad Birkedahl
Jamie Aaron Kelley
EAS Band
Change of Habit Tribute Band
Al Wertheimer
Charles Stone
Lowell Hays
Larry Geller
Chris Noel
Christopher Riordan
Cynthia Pepper
Edward Faulkner
Gavin and Robin Koon
Larry Domasin
Victoria Paige Meyerink
Marlyn Mason
Celeste Yarnall
Brandon Bennett
Bill Cherry
David Allen
Gino Monopoli
Jay Dupuis
Jay Zanier
Mark Anthony
Ted Torres
Stephen Freeman

I'll bet your 'Good Luck Charm' & 'Ring Around Your Neck' that you haven't heard of a single one.

Never-the-less, 'That's Alright, Mama' because they will all be there to sing Elvis songs, share Elvis stories & sell Elvis trinkets - yes, kids, even big E's 'official jeweler' will be there hawking his wares - between panel discussions, fashion shows and the Memphis man's movies.

For a full listing of days/times/peeps:

To join these high sea 'Shake, Rattle & Roll'- ers, it will set back all you 'Kissin' Cousins' from $599 for an inside cabin - located 'In The Ghetto' otherwise known as the Riviera deck - up to a 'feel my temperature rising'  $2,899 for the master penthouse.

Viva Las checkbook!

And don't forget, that's in travel-speak math. In reality, tack on another $149 per peep for taxes, fees & just because that's the way cruise ship pricing works.

That has to be more moola then even Col. Tom could squeeze from fans back when the Graceland Guru's hips could still gyrate.

However - since this is the sail's 5th version - there obviously are enough worldwide folk who feel a whole lotta 'Burning Love' for this at sea 'Clambake'. 

But at $700 plus per, these ocean going high (rock n') rollers seem more like the Jailhouse Rocker's estate's sugar daddies than his 'Teddy Bears'.

Personally, I think we'd all have more 'Fun In Acapulco', 'Blue Hawaii' or being in 'Kentucky Rain' with or without a bumbershoot.

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