Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I remember it well...

On my 1st trip to Paris - back in the seemingly ancient 1970s - I was sitting at an outdoor cafe's corner table, nursing a tres expensive cafe au lait, while enjoying street musicians perfectly playing Pachelbel  & feeling oh so internationally cosmopolitan. 

You cannot imagine the shock to my Kearny NJ raised 
sensibilities when one of the violinists took a break, casually strolled past me, whipped out his 'other' instrument & began - let's say - 'christening' the cafe wall. 

All a mere few inches from my shocked (and dangerously 'mouth wide open') face.

He immediately rejoined his quartet without missing a 
note nor a drop - I hope.

Shockingly, I seemed to be the only one who noticed. 

Instead of  being the 'international bon vivant' of my imagination, in reality I was nothing but a  puritanical Yank.

Ah.... I had discovered the 1st sweet lesson of my youth in Paris:

In this capital city of high culture, cuisine & fashion, it was fairly common to stop, drop (trou) & pee in public.

In fact, buildings like these - 

- dedicated to curbside urination, dotted the town.

(Notice not only could you see the users legs & feet, but you could also enjoy the visual - & audio - pleasure of his flowing stream.)

Viva la toilet flush.

Today, these quaint 'man only freebee' kiosks have
been replaced by...

Pay Toilet on a street in Paris.

... unisex pay toilets.

There are those who believe that the mere presence of these gender neutral coin crappers further signifies the continued destruction of civilization in the western world.

Hey, they might have a point.

And all of this leads to my public service for the day:

To lessen the shock for readers of this blog when they  need to use a foreign 'loo', I've scoured the net for actual restroom signs that might confuse or surprise when 1st encountered internationally:

Ok, we start with an easy one. This reminds the user that in this country - bombardier style aiming is a 'no, no'.

Next, Germany says 'Danke'...


...for having a seat.

And then there's the ultra polite British:


And no standing ovations 'til the 'show' is over.

Of course, the Swiss - precision watchmakers that they are - want to leave nothing to chance:

OK, I can figure most of these out, but is the 5th picture really saying 'No fishing'?

Obviously, this is from a polite, no nonsense, bilingual Asian country where you never want to shake anyone's right hand after they.... you know:

And here is a country where your 'toilet education' includes studying 'Hygiene 101':  

I bet you know at least 1 person whom you wish would 'take a seat in this stall' & master this art.

Also, many world travelers are confused as to which is their correct entry door. I'll help with labels.

Bathroom Sign

             Men                           Women 

Bathroom Sign

           Men                          Women 

Bathroom Sign

           Men                          Women 

Bathroom Sign

Aha, the ringer. It's either unisex or a special john for 'peepers' who are going out with exhibitionists. Truly a match made in heaven.

Bathroom Sign

           Men                          Women 

And my favorite:

Bathroom Sign

I'll let you guess.

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