Monday, November 21, 2011


Yes kids, Walt Disney had a secret apartment added to the blueprints of the pre-built Disney World Magic Kingdom's Cinderella Castle.

Disney World Castle

Hey, the man needed a place to hang his hat while overseeing all things mouse in Orlando.

Unfortunately, Walt went to Disneyland north in 1966 (a good 5 years before the park opened) & the apartment was never built. The space was used for storage & telephone operators.

That was until 2006 when the company announced that they created  ultra lavish digs in the secret space - the Cinderella Suite.

Cinderella Castle Royal Bedchamber

Ok, the place isn't large (less than 700 sq ft) & you really don't have a good view of the park through its fairly small stained glass windows, but the CS has ultra decorated furnished rooms that are truly fit for a king.

Cinderella Castle Suite sitting room

The place's loaded with many imagineer-worthy surprises. For example Cinderella's portrait is really a large screen TV... 

Cinderella Castle Suite Fireplace

... walls & floors are covered with movie inspired mosaics...

Mosaic floor in foyer of Castle Suite

And the bathroom - all I can say is that if you're sitting on the throne, you're REALLY sitting on a throne.

Plus there are so many Disney decorations, knickknacks, baubles & tchotchkes to tickle the eye that it would take days to find them all. 

And it's the only apartment right in the middle of the Magic Kingdom.

So how much to rent the place for you & yours?

Nothing. Because it's not for rent.

They mostly 'comp' it to celebrities, business honchos, world leaders & the like. A few 'make a wish' kids have stayed. 

But fear not. Even if you do not fit into the above categories, you still have a chance to call CS home for a night.

Every once in a while the Mouse House throws a special promotion & gives a family a free stay (like they did nightly during the 2007-08 Year of a Million Dreams Celebration). 

The problem is that they are a bit tight lipped about these future promos. 

I called Disney & talked to a manager at the Cinderella Castle restaurant. She didn't know the suite existed nor was it listed on her computer.

And she works in the building.

She did transfer me to 'Eduardo' at Disney Reservations (he can book you into any WDW room) & even he's in the dark.

But I did find a source at WDW Guest Communications who promised to spill all the beans about the next promo when (or if) it's finally scheduled.

So, if you'd like your queen, your little princesses/princes & your kingly self to live in the royalty that you all truly deserve - even if it's for only one night - keep an eye on this blog.

Any 'bean' I get will be served hot right here.

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