Tuesday, November 1, 2011


State fair food was always synonymous with hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, Philly cheesesteaks, corn dogs, shaved ice, big pretzels slathered in hot mustard, anything 'deep fried', a turkey leg or 2,  ice cream waffles, funnel cakes covered with a mini blizzard of powdered sugar...

... & cotton candy was definitely king. 

Vegans & calorie conscious customers be damned. Right?

How quaint.

After attending Raleigh's North Carolina State Fair last month, I realized that the most popular outdoor eats are no longer your grandfather's munchies.

What's being consumed in 2011 would have seemed - just a few years ago - to be the stuff of science fiction or the warped creations of mentally challenged culinary masochists.

Today, bigger is considered better.

In days of yore where - besides in Dr. Frankenstein's lab - would you even dream of chewing on a 5 lb gummy bear? 

Imagine the joy of loosening all of your fillings with just one bite.

And forget your piggy bank, bring what's left in your college savings fund to purchase a couple of these $25 babies.

But if your tooth is sweeter than your bank account, perhaps a giant gummy on a stick, gummy tongues, a gummy skull or (yum) gummy frog legs will do the trick. They're a steal at a fiver each.

Ok, 'anything fried' still is in vogue. But look what they're frying:

Deep fried Oreos?!? I think I'd rather take a bite of Tootsie's tootsies.

Even my pal Jackie - who came to the fair just to buy a bag full - obviously had some 2nd thoughts & needed some peer pressure...

... to get the little breaded black & white buggers past her lips. 

True Confession - less than 1/2 hour after this pic was snapped, all 3 enjoyed the benefits of these DFOs one more time - in the nearest restroom.

And for those who'd  consider Deep Fried Oreos a type of health food, say 'hello' to my little friends:

All I can say is, 'Deep Fried Pickle Chips!?!'

And just when you thought things couldn't get anymore stomach turning, along comes a:

Ok, those of you with weak stomachs, turn your faces from the screen & log off this blog right now.

Yes, my dears, it is a cheeseburger - loaded.

But instead of a 100% whole wheat bun, these sweethearts are bookended by 2 mega caloric Krispie Kreme donuts.

Glazed, of course.

Next I'd tell you about joys of sinking your teeth into a 'Koolickle' 

- that's a pickle fully soaked in cherry Kool Aid - 

but I'm too busy trying to... er... purge all...er... thoughts of Gummies, Goobers & deep fryers by ... er ... resting  my ... er ... self on the ... er ... most comfortable special chair in my ...er... favorite WC.

True Confession #2 - I passed the Guinness record for most flushes 5 minutes ago.

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