Monday, October 31, 2011


When vacationing with Fido, many travelers are concerned - & with good reason - about the comfort & safety of flying with their 'best friend'.

Hey,  today even some canines  - particularly the brachycephalic breeds (pugs, bulldogs & other 'short snouted' pups for those of us without a veterinarian degree) - have been banned from many commercial airlines.

Why? Too many were arriving in a permanent state of rigor mortis.

A bad start to your kids' fun week at the Magic Kingdom. 

To prevent the above, one airline has gone to the dogs - literally. And that may be a good thing.

Pet Airways - yes, readers, that's its actual name - offers flights from 8 US cities (LA, Phoenix. Denver, Chicago, NY/Long Island, Baltimore/DC, Atlanta & Fort Lauderdale) each week.

Their 'Pawsengers' - as they like to call them - are all dogs & cats with the occasional bird, snake or even pot bellied oinker slipped into the mix.

And you thought pigs couldn't fly.

PA took a Twin Prop Shorts 360 - a 36 seat passenger plane - & refitted it with 80  appropriate 'Pawsenger' size enclosures. 

Everything has been done to guarantee that is this nicest, safest, temperature/pressure controlled flying dog house propeller-ing through any sky.  

But this is strictly 'animals only'.  Owners have to find their own mode of transportation.

PA's entire route is flown once a week.

That means every Monday this mobile menagerie leaves LAX at 4:30 pm,  stops in 6 cities & arrives in Lauderdale Wednesday 1:35pm. 

3 hours later, it flies back - with the same 6 stops - landing in LA Friday 9:35am.

So, if Rover is flying coast to coast - one way - it's going to be 6 stops & take 2 days.

A long way between fire plugs.

But don't worry, all bow wows get off the plane to do 'their duties' in the 'walking cities' of Denver, Chicago, NY & Baltimore.

Wait a minute, isn't there enough of that 'stuff' in NY & Baltimore already without flying more in?

Anyway, each flight also has one flight attendant on board in case Bowser craves a milk bone, desires an emergency 'behind the ear' scratch or just needs to give someone his paw at 5,000 feet.

Ok, the service isn't cheap. NY to Lauderdale prices start at $249 each way & does go up depending on the animal's size.

I 'booked' a mythical 40 lbs. Great Dane for a NY-FL Pet Airways November flight & was quoted $898.58 RT - with 2 stops.

For comparison, I could fly Delta - non stop - the same day for just under $240. 

But for some,  the 'price = peace of mind' ratio is worth it.

Beware - before booking just make sure that your greyhound is definitely going. There are very, very hefty cancellation fees if Spot decides he prefers staying home to chase his neighborhood cats.

And since there are a few more restrictions & conditions, I'll let the airline 'bark' for itself at -

Better to get the growl from the flying dog company's mouth than to be hearing it from this horse's ass.

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