Monday, October 3, 2011


No, I'm not waiting for the Paris 'metro' in Pigalle. But I am refreshed & relaxed.

And, yes, that's Sandy with the famous "Burghers of Calais'. And, no, she's not in Rodin's Paris museum gardens (where, btw, besides having Auguste's most recognized sculptures, they also serve the best tasting ice cream in France). 

But she is smiling both inside & out.

In these pics we're both sitting in places that have amazing curative powers for a certain disease that we've unfortunately contracted.

Let me explain:

We're both still in Washington DC, but due to unseasonably cold mid 40 degree October days (& our thin FL blood), we've been haunting the halls of the multi-Smithsonians to avoid hypothermia.

Unfortunately, after a couple of days of being inside these great  (but overwhelming) institutions we've started to suffer from acute 'museum-itis'.

You know the symptoms: glazed expressions, glassy eyes, brain overload,  one spectacular display blends into another, yawns, etc.

Happily the cure was a simple as walking out the door.


Ok, they ARE museums, but they're SMALL (each doable in less than a half hour so you won't be overwhelmed nor be frozen), they're close (both abut the mall) & - most importantly - you'll be outside breathing brain nourishing, spirit lifting, eye clearing, oxygen filled fresh air.

Plus you'll be seeing some world class art.

And have a laugh...

Or two.

But most importantly you will be completely renewed for another couple of museum hours of finding fascinating facts about your world. 

And you may even discover some new things about whom you really are:

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