Sunday, October 9, 2011


Views from the Blue Ridge Parkway - the 469 mile scenic road that connects the Shenandoah & the Great Smoky Mountains - are always beautiful & popular. 

The drive rewards visitors with breath taking vistas all year long.

But something special happens every fall. Mother Nature takes the countryside's rich greens & paints them with wide splashes of color.

The landscape transforms into an impressionist's palette...

...with vibrant reds, yellow & oranges.

Water reflections remind of Monet.

And even the sun setting sky seems to be more stunning.

Can you imagine that we're only at the beginning of the color changing season? 

Over the next couple of weeks, all colors will be even richer & deeper than these.

But remember, this is the parkway's busiest time of year. Many want to be wowed by all this beauty, so on weekends you'll be sharing the sights with seemingly everybody and his brother - and his brothers kids.

It's also tough to find Fri/Sat vacancy at a decent hotel with a price lower than your second mortgage. Locals say the best time to reserve an October room is now - for next October. 

And don't be surprised if all Sat/Sun 'overlook' & trail parking spaces fill up quickly causing you to miss a popular sight or two. 

A good solution is to plan your parkway adventure for the week days. 

But unless you're on vacation or retired, this may not be possible. So to guarantee seeing your favorites, plan on getting to them as early in the day as possible.

But with sights as gorgeous as these:

It's worth some advanced planning, vacation time or a little wait.

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