Sunday, October 16, 2011


Even if your flight was delayed, your luggage flew to Europe without you & the Guinness 'world record crying baby' was your seat mate, you still may have something to smile about at this US airport. 

How about a big, tasty - & 100% free - cookie?

That's right kids. Fly into Indiana's Fort Wayne International & you'll be rewarded with a no charge sweet treat.

Made across the street from FWI at a local bakery, volunteers personally hand each flyer a wrapped, delicious sugar cookie everyday until 8:30 at night.

Do not fear - late arrivals will not go 'cookie-less'. A self service 'cookie kiosk' is well stocked with baked rewards.

So far, over a million have been served costing the airport something like 16 grand a year.

Officials say this airport PR stunt has really taken off & replaced tired frowns with enough smiles to make this freebee really fly.

One question does remain - who's supplying the milk?

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