Friday, October 14, 2011


Want to walk in the footsteps of such great American icons like Daniel Boone & Forrest Gump? (Ok, it's really not exactly FG, but real close. I'll explain later.)

And climb to the highest peak off the Blue Ridge Parkway to boot?

Then you want to drive to Linville, NC - about a mile from where the BLP & US 221 meet - and see the many splendors of Grandfather Mountain.

Granted it's great, but the place isn't free (you'll drop a steep $15 per to drive by this sign) & might have to wait in traffic. 

And we planned poorly. 

Arriving around 1:30 on Saturday October 8 (that weekend is its 2nd busiest time of the year - July 4th is the 1st)  we had the pleasure of sitting in a 50 minute 'bumper to bumper' before enjoying the even greater pleasure of paying our '15'. 

Try being here at least before 11, if not sooner. The joint opens at 8 spring, summer, fall. Winter at 9.

The best way to see Grandfather is to drive immediately to the top. (Again, the early bird won't have to worm his way through more traffic & long waits.)

Don't be tempted to pause at the many stops to the top parking lot. You'll have plenty of time to see these - & with fewer fellow visitors - on the way down (when everyone else is waiting in traffic lines to get to the top).

Your reward will be views like these:

And a walk on one of the highest foot bridges you'll ever step.

Notice it says 'swinging' bridge. Locals say it doesn't swing anymore since it was rebuilt with - 'non swinging', I guess - metal. 

Now, they say, the only thing it does is sound a bit like a harmonica when the wind blows through it.

But to my 'usually at sea water level' legs, it still swings like a Benny Goodman LP.

And from here you can hike the strenuous:

This 2.4 mile (each way) trek takes you to the top of Grandfather's Callaway Peak & back in about 5 or so hours. 

It's definitely not for wimps. It is steep, in parts, & very, very rocky.

                         Here's Sandy at the beginning of the climb. Yes, she's on the trail.

There are cables to grab & pull yourself over particularly steep spots. And even ladders to get you to the very top.

Sorry about the above blurry photo, but we copied this from Grandfather's brochure. Due to our late arrival & traffic wait, we only got about a mile into this hike (you have to be back to your car by 5 or they might start sending out search parties for you - no kidding).

But we still saw some spectacular sights.

On the drive back down the mountain you'll pass:

This is one of the places where Forrest passed in his movie cross country run. 

I don't want to be a spoiler, boys & girls, but it wasn't really Tom Hanks running as the Gumper in these scenes. His (sort of) look alike brother did them. 

Hey, with that beard & hat even Michelle Obama could pull one of her patented 'sneak-into-Target' type moves & would probably pass for the star.  

But Tom did show up on shooting day to wish his frater well.

Now - on the way back down - is the time to visit at the restaurant, fudge shop, picnic areas, easy hiking/walking trails, nature museum & animal habitat. 

Many stop at the AH to see the advertised eagles, mountain lions, otters, deer & bears.

Again, sorry about the blurry brochure copy, but this is the only bear we saw. The bear enclosure was empty. As were the eagle & otter pens. 

Maybe they were sleeping, taking a break or simply slipped off to neighboring Asheville to join one of those daily downtown protests. 

With the many types of costumes worn by the locals there, they'd fit right in.

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