Friday, October 21, 2011


If you think you're going to get a last minute - or even an 'any minute' - 'el cheapo' flight this holiday season, there may be more than one turkey at your Thanksgiving dinner.

The sad truth is that the price of T'day & Xmas flights are up - depending on which web 'air fare compare' site you check- from 8% to a whopping 18% over last year.

And even at that price most seats (over 80%) are already booked.


Ok, before you cancel the candied yams, comb your closet for 're-gifts' & tell Grandma that she'll be gumming the drumstick solo, there are a few things you could do to avoid bankrupcy & still fly those a 'little less friendly' skies:

1. Use Alternate Routes.

A seemingly out of the way stop or two on way to your 'chosen celebration city' could lower costs.

True, it will take you longer to get there, but it will also take longer to get you to the poor house.

2. Try Alternate Cities.

Ok, we know Auntie Grezelda lives in the big city close to a large international airport, but many big cities have smaller airports in smaller burgs a reasonable train or car ride away.

Check these out. The $avings may $tuff some holiday $pirit back in your $tocking.

3. Celebrate In Europe.

How about forgetting 'over the river & through the woods' & take a  jump 'over the big pond' instead?

Imagine how good the dark meat will taste served with Quiche Lorraine & Crepes Suzette?

Or be enjoyed in the shadow of 'Big Ben'?

Flights to Paris & London fall to some of their lowest of the year & - besides only gaining a belt size from over stuffing their pie holes - your family could also actually gain some culture.

Or - at the very least - frequent flyer miles.

4. Change Your Holiday Dates.

Why be a slave to 'Nov Thurs the Last' or Dec 25? Be bold, change the date of your holiday celebration & save a ton of coin.

Two of the cheapest times to fly are the week after Thanksgiving & the week after New Years.

Why? All the other saps dropped a wad during the two previous weeks & haven't a penny extra to spend. Plus most of them DID travel the week before & rarely fly 2 weeks in a row. 

Creative date celebrants will see 'cheap seats a plenty' & non existant crowds.

Plus, if Great Uncle Wilbur lives by a Florida beach - you will practically have it to yourself.

5. Get Professional Help.

Despite what most people think, not every airline seat is listed on the 'net.

A  no charge call to a travel consultant - like me - can often save you a bundle.

6. Have Holidays At Your House.

Ok, you won't be actually flying but now - intead of you - your relatives will be screwed into taking out the 2nd mortgages for the tickets.

And pilly Aunt Sophie (with her possibly in-bred brood) may scoff at the cost & be 'no-shows'.

Definitely a double win.

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