Sunday, October 16, 2011


Do you dream of throwing all your clothes to the tarmac, baring your bottom (& top) as a nude model at - of course - romantically beautiful international sites?

Uh.... perhaps.... but - in reality - you're just too damned shy? 

Well, how about if you posed with - say - a couple  hundred (or so) of your soon to be closest friends?
Mexico City 2007

Hey, maybe misery isn't the only thing that likes company.

If this sounds like you, contacting Spencer Tunick should be on your bucket list.  

Because, since 1992, ol' Spence has staged, shot & videoed more than 75 naked multi-bodied 'installations' around the world.

Miami Beach 2007

And he'd like you to be starring in one of his next photo ops.

Montreal 2001

Imagine the thrill of knowing you're the body 4 rows back & 8 people east of the center street light? 


Ok, it's too late to pose in his next scheduled shoot at the 'Dead Sea' - his model list is filled.

But you can sign up for the next one at:

New York 2003

You'll have to fill out an application that asks your name, age, address, email, sex & occupation (naming your job is optional). 

But he does want you to pick one of 7 colors that is to closest match to your skin tone.

Hey, the guy is an artist & probably likes to mix & match a few textural hues to add contrast to the overflowing privates & penises.

        France 2005 (Notice the 'hues')

Spence promises that you will only have to be nude for 'a short period of time' (not good for the exhibitionist faction), there will be staff to assist you (How? By saying things like: 'Ok, Mr. Yuken, it's now time to drop your drawers.' ?) & only participants will be allowed in the vicinity (another exhibitionist no, no).

But everyone gets a limited edition print of the event that you can proudly display at your next PTA or DAR meeting.

                            Brazil 2002

And - depending on the actual photo site - you could come away with an all liberating group experience... 

Montauk 2009

... & maybe a full body tan.

Think Spence springs for the Coppertone?

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