Thursday, November 24, 2011


That would be me.

I must have had way too much Thanksgiving stuffing in my head yesterday when I wrote that there is only one alligator wrestling school - in 'not so tropical' Colorado no less - & the 1st class doesn't begin until March.

No doubt I disappointed all of you potential 'gator grapplers' who need immediate gratification. 

But turn that frown up 'you know where'. There is another 'school', in sunny Florida - not far from Disney World - that offers instruction all year round.

Hooray. Now you won't have to wait 'til spring to lose a limb.

Gator Adventure Productions in Orlando - 6586 International Drive - proudly offers its 'Alligator Academy' where you can matriculate in such skills as:

Ok, it's a bit pricier than the Colorado joint at $150 - and that's for 1 hour as opposed to C's 3 - but you'll probably make it up with the cheaper Orlando hotels plus you get to see a slew of family friendly theme parks for the same plane ticket after your wrestling wounds heal.

Also you can call 888-49- GATOR. There could be a daily discount.

Here 'classes' can have from 1 to 4 students. 2 professional handlers oversee to hopefully guarantee that participants leave with all 10 fingers firmly attached. 

1st, you play with the wee 3-4 footers. After 20 or so minutes, its time to grope the 6-8' 'big boys'.


All lessons much be pre-arranged - probably to make sure you don't show up just BEFORE feeding time. To schedule a skirmish call Josh at (321) 332-8789 or Flavio (407) 948-6507.

To enroll, you must be at least 12 - I think that means age & not IQ.

Actually a lesson or two might be a creative way for Nana & Pop to lessen the worrisome crowding at the Thanksgiving kids' table - permanently. 


Oh yes, it's probably wise to wear something that you don't mind getting sandy or wet - like a bathing suit, T shirt & 'sea socks' - for you will be tangling with these toothy terrors in their 'home' ponds & beaches.

Just hope that 'home field advantage' only matters in football.

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