Monday, January 30, 2012


Cuba is in high tourist demand. Havana hotels & eateries are almost busting at the seams trying to accommodate all of this new business.

In 2011, 2.7 million worldwide peeps spent $2.3 billon here. Tourism is Cuba's #1 money maker. They'll be more this year.

And why not? The place is gorgeous, safe, warm, loaded with tourist friendly activities/cafes & is priced right.

But why now?

Travel experts credit last year's 'Arab Spring' protest problems with making many Europeans take their normal North African winter vacation bookings & move them to seemingly safer Cuba.

And don't forget the change in the USA's policy towards the island that's only 90 miles from Key West.

Since the 60s, travel to Castro-land was forbidden by Uncle Sam for his residents. A policy that might have made sense then (for at least a few seconds) - but 6 decades later?

Finally in 2009, Prez Obama made it easier for Cuban Americans to re-visit their old 'homeland'. 

They went in droves.

Unofficial estimates say 375,000 Cuban Americans headed to the island in 2010.

And although restrictions still remain, new rules allow Cuban travel by academic, religious and cultural groups. So US tourist #s will soar.

One American travel agent said he's already signed up 2,200 people for trips.

National Geographic Expeditions' website shows that it has totally booked all 17 tours of Cuba planned from now through May.

The prez also expanded the number of airports that can serve the Cuban market. Most travel to Cuba from the United States originates in Miami and New York.

But beware. If you're looking for 5 star, luxury rooms, this ain't the place. Cuba's a bit behind in building for this tourist surge.

Right now, its best hotels are not on par with other countries. Standards do drop quickly depending on price and location.  

Some don't have hot water.

Even at the landmark Hotel Nacional,  complaints of 'dank' rooms & roaches are voiced.

But in the coming years - if this tourist trend continues - this will change.

Hey - when you finally go - toast at least one mojito to the Arab protesters & Obama. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012


There's a UK organization lobbying for worldwide lovers to celebrate St. Valentine's Day in - what they consider - one of the most romantic cities on the planet...


Ok, this wasn't my # 1 burg to announce 'And I Love Her' either, but the gang at differ.

Not only do they tout the Feb 14 'amour' packages at the 'award winning' Hope Street Hotel, Staybridge Suites, base2stay Liverpool and Radisson Blue...

... but they harmonize the praises of the top romantic cuisine served at the Pan American Club, the Italian Club Fish and Sapporo Teppanyaki - Liverpool’s flagship Japanese restaurant. 

And since this is the home of the 'Fab-You-Know-Whos', what better place to enjoy after dinner 'Strawberry Fields' cocktails than at the Hard Days Night Hotel's Bar Four...

Bar Four

...with its original oils of Liverpool's 4 most famous musicians by John Lennon's Liverpool Art College mate Paul Ygartua. 

And what says 'I love you' more than an arm in arm frigid Mersey stroll (with or without that famous ferry ride) followed by the iconic cultural experience of the 'Elvis & Us' exhibit at the Beatles Story museum?

But before saying 'Yeah, yeah, yeah!' to romantic downtown L'pool, check this web site:

And then Google the town's average winter temp.

Hey, maybe Valentine's Day is to perfect time to take your sweetie. 

After all, you'll have your love to keep you warm.

And - 'in the end' - 'All You (really) Need Is Love'. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012


No, not those 2.

The ones I'm talking about are actually bigger & will be about 190 miles apart from each other.

Yes, the 66 year old mountain music maiden plans on opening another theme park.  Unlike her popular Pigeon Forge 'Dollywood' complex, this 'as of yet' unnamed venture will be in Nashville & will be a 'water - snow' park. 

Whatever that may be.

Plans made public last week on Dolly's birthday are sketchy, but it will be 114 acres, cost $50 mil, open summer 2014 & she is in partnership with Gaylord Entertainment - owners of the Opryland Resort & Convention Center.

Dolly is planning for about 500,000 visitors opening year & promises special winter activities & lots of 'music, music, music'.

No mention was made about how often her original '2 big attractions' would appear at the new park, but she (& they) will undoubtedly 'pop in' throughout its 1st year.

She didn't mention - in honor of her new park's theme - whether they'd be 'snow capped' or not.

Friday, January 27, 2012


As of yesterday, US law guarantees that all advertised plane fares must include the actual total price including all taxes & fees.

Uncle Sam really did a solid for the flying public.

And - thanks to this federal reg - no longer can airlines list its non tax/fee price in BIG BOLD CAPS & follow it by the actual tix + tax + fee price in small print.

'Under the new rules, they will have to incorporate taxes and fees into the fare that's stated — the first fare that the customer sees,' says U.S. Department of Transportation.

Two airlines are so unhappy - Spirit & Allegiant  - that they are suing in court using the bogus argument that this allows the gov't to hide its taxes.

'If the government can hide taxes in your airfares, then they can carry out their hidden agenda and quietly increase their taxes,' Spirit warned on its website.

Right, Spirit marketeers - and we can really get one of those $9 flights (like you bogusly advertise) too.

Sen. Barbara Boxer says it best. '(Spirit & Allegiant are making a) deliberate attempt to deceive the flying public about a new rule that will improve the transparency of airfares for consumers.'

Give 'em hell, Barbara.

Now, Babs, what can you do about the hotel industry & their myriad of extra charges - especially those blatant rip off 'resort' fees?

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Before you run to your travel consultant screaming you've 'been over charged for your room, flight, vacation, etc' & waving a copy of a special deal you found on the 'net...

...please take a big, big breath & remember that old travel axiom: some 'special deals' are not so special.  just published this:

London Hotel from $52/Night

Provider: Ascot Hyde Park Hotel
Expiration: 02-01-12
Travel Dates: Various dates.

You can stay at London's Ascot Hyde Park Hotel from just $52 per night. Accommodations are located in central London, where you'll find sights including Hyde Park, Notting Hill and Oxford Street. Rates even include daily continental breakfast.

For more information and reservations, visit the Ascot Hyde Park Hotel Web site.'

Hmmm. Sounds like a great deal, so I check their website:

Ascot Hyde Park Hotel in Paddington - A Central London Hotel
Ascot Hyde Park Hotel in Paddington

Ascot Hotel London can be found in a residential area of Paddington and is close to the Bayswater, Edgware Road and Maida Vale districts of Central London. 

This comfortable, 3 star hotel is ideal for those needing a central base for their visit to the capital. Guests wanting to explore the local area will find Hyde Park, Notting Hill and Oxford Street close by. 

Ascot Hotel London is just a short walk away from the mainline and underground stations at Paddington. It is ideal for business travellers, families, tourists and individuals. >>> Book Online
Ascot Hyde Park Hotel in Paddington London

Wow.  3 stars, breakfast included, close to Paddington Station, bed looks comfy. So I try an on-line booking & get a price - for a single - of 27 pounds per.

Yowza! According to the Ascot's currency converter that's like $35 for a 3 star hotel in a great location, with food & comfy beds in usually mega pricey London. 

I wonder what type of chocolate they'll leave on my pillow at night? 

Where do I sign?

But as I fumble for my credit card that old travel axiom pops into my brain, so I take a few deep breaths, let my mind take charge & logically see if there are any Ascot reviews - from people who have actually paid money for stays - on

Well, you can forget about the chocolates.

Out of 81 reviews, 59 rate the place as 'terrible', 11 'poor', 8 'average', 3 'very good' & 1 'excellent'.

And the 4 'very goods' & 'excellent' had to be relatives of the owners.

For the rest, some variation of:

'Dreadful, unsafe hotel. Do NOT stay here!'

was the norm. 

One 'guest' even went as far as to compare it to staying with the homeless in the local tube station. And for him - the 'tube' accommodations won.

So kids, there are 3 morals to this terrifying tale:

1. Always remember the 'special deal' axiom.

2. There sometimes is a big, big difference between getting the cheapest price & getting the best value for your travel $.


3. Give your travel consultant a break.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Need yet one more reason to visit Florida this winter?

How about one of our spectacular sunsets?

Not only has it been in the 70s (or 80s) daily here in Jupiter, but the nights have only been dipping into the high 60s.

And with our Caribbean-like 70+ degree ocean...

And our flame red 'sailor delight' early evening skies...

Why haven't you already booked your flight?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Remember this guy?

It's actor Larry Thomas playing his most famous role - Seinfeld's 'Soup Nazi'.

In the TV series 1995 7th season (could it really have been that long ago?) Thomas became phenomenally recognizable as the very strict soup store owner who had set rules for customer ordering.

Break one & there was ' No soup for you!!!!'.

Argue & you could be banned for a year... or even life.

Well, boys & girls, there really was a 'soup nazi'.

For 20 years (1984-2004) Al Yeganeh ran the 'Soup Kitchen' from his 100 square foot store on 55th Street & 8th Avenue. All soups were fashioned from Yeganeh's original recipes.

The New York Times raved ( he creates 'art, not soup') & - even on the coldest winter day - lines were legendary.

So he posted these 'rules' - in 12 languages, no less - to ladle his wares as money makingly quickly & efficiently as possible:





Ignore any one & you left soup-less.

Well, 18 months ago the 55th Street place re-opened as 'The Original Soupman'. Although Al isn't on site, all of his recipes are.

And so are the crowds:

People stand in line outside The Original SoupMan location at 55th street and 8th avenue for its reopening in New York July 20, 2010. REUTERS-Shannon Stapleton

To save you some cash, Living Social - a web discount site - is offering you $14 worth of Al's soup for $7.

But you have to move almost as quickly as his line. There are only 2 more days to order. After that, the deal disappears.

Coupons are good until the end of May & the entire $14 has to be used in 1 visit.

And as a special bonus, get 3 friends to buy a coupon & you get yours for free.

A soup-delicious deal!

But don't expect to see Jerry Seinfeld - who lives walking distance away - standing in line.

Al never warmed to the 'Soup Nazi' moniker & banned the comedian for life.

Monday, January 23, 2012


If you get an unexpected email from American Airlines about a ticket you didn't buy, do yourself a big favor - delete it without opening.

Today - on my personal AOL account - I received the following email :

American Airlines          Order#2830976

It was posted at 1:52 am.

Since I have been booking a couple of clients on AA, I opened it. It read:

'Dear Customer, 
DATE & TIME / JANUARY 29, 2012, 09:21 PM 
ARRIVING / Oklahoma City

Your bought ticket is attached to the letter as a scan document. 
You can print your ticket. 

Thank you for your attention. 
American Airlines.'

It had a '' attachment.

All well & good, except that I never booked such a flight.


After a few seconds I realized that this message only contained ticket/airline/destination info & no passenger names nor data. A red flag.

A quick call to American - after finally bypassing its very annoying & time consuming automatic answering system - revealed that this was a 'phishing' email sent to screw me out of personal info & possibly 'virus up' my computer. 

2 very unpleasant possibilities.

And thousands of these emails have been received by unsuspecting customers.

AA advised that the best thing to do was not open (too late for me) & delete.

So, children, the moral of this story is - if you receive a questionable email from what seems to be a reputable company about a purchase you haven't made - do not respond by email but phone the company in question.

And don't call any company # included in the suspicious email. Google the official company's on line site & use the # listed there.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


CEO Micky Arison announced Thursday that Carnival will review every safety and emergency procedure on all 10 of the company's cruise lines, asap.

Carnival is the parent company of Costa Cruises whose deadly Concordia crash on 1/13 made worldwide headlines.

Over 20 passengers are still missing.

'While I have every confidence in the safety of our vessels and the professionalism of our crews, this review will evaluate all practices and procedures to make sure that this kind of accident doesn't happen again,' Arison blah, blah, blahed.

It's about time.

Anyone familiar with cruising has seen - over the past couple of decades -  a decline in the seriousness of passenger safety drills. 

For example, the mandatory lifeboat drills... 

Years ago, an alarm went off & passengers had to don an actual lifejacket & rush to an 'on deck' spot in front of their assigned lifeboat. Here they were given detailed info about how to orderly & safely leave the ship in case of an emergency.

The crew made it seem serious & you actually learned something.

On my last couple of cruises, I was herded into the ship's auditorium - sans lifejacket - where some bored looking crew members showed a video that nobody - including me - bothered to watch.

Passengers only learn to be apathetic towards safety procedures & are ill equipped to handle emergencies. 

This company wide review is being led by Carnival's James Hunn senior vice president of Maritime Policy & Compliance who - as the company PR-ly points out - is a retired U.S. Navy captain.

Although this 'review' was obviously motivated by bad publicity & possibly insurance reasons, it could set into place procedures that may actually save a few lives.

Don't be surprised if the other cruise companies follow suit.

Also, don't be surprised if - on your next cruise - you're wearing a modern 'Mae West' as you run towards your assigned lifeboat & that you may actually learn something that could save your life.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Tired of being treated like royalty on your vacations? Is too much 'niceness' turning your stomach? Miss the nagging of your in laws or ex-spouse? Need to hear a few more 'F bombs' & 'up  yours-es'?

Then before booking your next trip you should check out the latest edition of Travel + Leisure Magazine where they named America's Top 20 Rudest Cities.

Of course, any measure of true rudeness may be in the mind of the beholder, so take a look at the reasons for each city's place on the list before deciding if any are really insulting enough for your tastes:

But if you don't give a damn about the 'whys' & just want to know 'which ones', here they are:

1. New York City, NY
2. Miami, FL
3. Washington, DC
4. Los Angeles, CA
5. Boston, MA
6. Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX
7. Atlanta, GA
8. Phoenix / Scottsdale, AZ
9. Baltimore, MD
10. Orlando, FL
11. Philadelphia, PA
12. Las Vegas, NV
13. Anchorage, AK
14. Chicago, IL
15. San Francisco, CA
16. Houston, TX
17. Seattle, WA
18. Providence, RI
19. San Diego, CA
20. Salt Lake City, UT

And - if this is what you're looking for - may all your insults be big ones.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Remember that Seinfeld episode when there's a fire at a children's party & George Costanza almost knocks everyone over to be the 1st one out?

'I was leading the way for all the children to follow', he said (or something like it).

When a fireman asked, 'How do you live with yourself?', George replied, 'It ain't easy.'

Well, when ship captain Francesco Schettino explained why he fled his sinking Costa Concordia cruise ship BEFORE all the passengers, he 'out georged' George.

'I was helping some passengers put the life boat to sea. At a certain point the mechanism for lowering it, blocked. We had to force it. Suddenly the system unblocked itself and I tripped and I found myself inside the life boat with a number of passengers.'

And once in the lifeboat that was lowered into the sea, it was 'impossible to go back onboard'. 

But in recorded radio transmissions released Tuesday, Schettino is heard telling Italian Port Authority officials that he and other officers had abandoned ship.

'And with 100 people still on board, you abandon ship?', the Port Authority officer questioned incredulously.

Schettino quickly responded , 'I didn't abandon any ship... because the ship turned on its side quickly and we were catapulted into the water.'

If this wasn't so tragic, it would be funny.

How can this guy live with himself?

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Officials at the Paris museum Musee d'Orsay lost their ' c'est la vive' attitudes when 3 shapely young women recently dropped their coats & ran through their famed galleries in their skivvies.

This was a publicity stunt for French lingerie maker Etam. The company secretly filmed this 'semi streak' to perk public interest for the upcoming debut of their spring/summer line. 

They also filmed the 'outer clothes-less' trio at the Eiffel Tower & De Gaulle airport. 

Well, the clip hit the net - without the museum's permission - & the merde hit the fan.

Now the museum is threatening to sue Etam for a 'serious infringement' of its rights.

Really? It seems like this stunt is a good PR intro to the musee's next show, ironically titled: Degas & The Nude. 

Maybe the 'Orsay' folk would have been happier if the trio was wearing tutus.

Any way, take a look at the clip & see for yourself:

As for me, I hope Etam films their surprise 'fall line promos' at the Louvre when I'm visiting it in Paris next summer. 

Then both the Mona Lisa & I will have yet another reason to smile.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Edison Hotel Times Square: hotel facade
Ok, it's not the Ritz, but NYC's art deco Hotel Edison is more than a decent place to stay.

Edison Hotel Times Square: Balcão

And it has 2 big pluses:

1. Location. At 228 West 47th, it's steps from the theatre district, Times Square, Radio City, Rockefeller Center, MOMA, etal.

In other words: the preferred tourist spot.

2. Price. For a  mid-Manhattan flop house, it's always rea$onable - by Big Apple standards.

And this winter it's offering 30% off for guests staying 4 or more nights. 2 or 3 nights net 20%.

That means booking a queen bed room (or 1 double, 2 twins or even 2 queens) will set you back - for a 4 night stay (say from Weds Feb 1 through Sun Feb 5) - about $85.05 per night before taxes. 

With Uncle Sam's cut, figure about $101 per.

These discounted prices are good until March 31.

Edison Hotel Times Square: The lobby 1

Ok, there are those who say the place is a dump & complain about room size, bad beds, etc., but just as many (if not more) past guests give the joint a thumbs up.

Personally, I've stayed here numerous times & agree that it isn't the lap of luxury, but it is comfortable, clean & safe. I truly feel that this is a good deal & a decent return for your travel $.

Check out the reviews on Trip Advisor:

And yes, there are 53 Hotel Ed reports filed on the Bed Bug Registry, but many of these state that there were no bugs seen during a guest's stay.

Plus 'Dave from Ottawa' even gives a hint on how the creative use of a shower curtain can keep you bedbug free in his 07/20/2011 entry.

And for only around a 'C' note a night, you'll have plenty of extra coin to buy your own shower curtain - just in case.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Modern travelers are really into zip lines. 

Although they go back to the 19th century - H. G. Wells' 1897 'Invisible Man' mentions a guy zipping on a cable (called an 'incline strong') over various terrains  - they really got a big boost from the 1992 Sean Connery flick 'Medicine Man' where movie scientists 'zipped' high above a rain forest.

Adventure tourists saw this & a new travel experience was born - zipping along a taut cable between trees in some exotic location.

Today lines seem to be popping up everywhere. 

Hey, for a 20 you can even 'zip' at 30 mph under the arched metal canopy of downtown Vegas' 'Fremont Street Experience'.


Although I might think twice about the safety of 'zipping' at some 3rd world sites, here in the USA - as long as you follow the instructions to a 'T' - you should emerge from the experience avec all smiles & sans a broken neck.

Of course there's one place where if you tumble & somehow survive the fall, there's a fairly good chance that you'll be eaten.

St. Augustine's Alligator Farm - like Wells' invisible dude - has been entertaining visitors since the 1890s. Last year they jumped on the zip line bandwagon by offering a their own version:

Zip over alligators!Actually, this is a hybrid. A combo zip/obstacle course where you 'zip', tightrope, ladder climb & sort of 'surf' in the treetops above the open gator & croc cages of the entire 7 acre zoo.

There are 2 above ground trails: the lower, shorter Sepik River Course takes less than an hour. The higher, more challenging Nile River Course can be completed under 2.

To do either, you will have to sign a lengthy disclaimer where you take all responsibility for your oncoming death just to insure that your greedy Aunt Gertrude isn't the new owner the day after they bury what's left of you.

And they do have a few rules:

- Closed toe/lace-up shoes and valid form of ID are required.
- Participants must be at least 57” tall and 10 years of age.
- Maximum weight is 250 pounds. 
- No cameras are allowed in the trees.

Oh yes, you must also be willing to say good-bye to $25 for the Sepik & $65 for the Nile. But if you live in St. John's County, you save 20% ($5 & $13) so be sure to write down your hotel's address as 'home'.

For those who fear prison for such a fraud, there is a 10% ($2.50 & $6.50) break for AAA & the like.

You will need a reservation - but once you pay you are stuck. There are zero refunds for rain, so make sure the weather man is on your side before booking.

They will take groups up to 15, but Sandy & I lucked out. We were a party of 2. A real bonus. So we could take our time & actually watch the entire alligator show from our 40' high pedestal. 

So just how tough a course is it? Well, I'm 62 & Sandy has been 21 a couple of times (plus 15). Ok we did break a sweat but this wasn't climbing the Matterhorn.

However, if your main vehicle is a wheelchair, I'd take a long look at the entire course before buying tix. 

After all, you can walk - or be pushed - through the entire zoo for about a 20.

And then - afterwards - you'll definitely only be eating lunch...

Gomek, 17' 9.5"  Photo by Adam Britton

... rather than being it.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Like to see what Nana & Gramps saw in circa 1950s Florida?

Then this could be your place:

Ok - you eagle eyed readers - Tom's wasn't around in the 50s, but it has all of the spirit of a typical long gone Mom & Pop that dotted Fl roadsides from Jacksonville to the Keys during the Eisenhower decade.

And at 42 years old, it obviously wasn't born yesterday.

Located just south of the St. Augustine Lighthouse on A1A, Tom's has 99.9% of the stuff that you can find in any souvenir shop. But - all under 1 roof - it adds a few things that have not been seen for many a year.

I mean, when was the last time you could shop for a decent alligator head...

... while choosing the best piece of coconut monkey art? 

Hey, my great aunt Viola actually sent me one of these 'treasures' around 1959 - & 'no', we didn't know quite what to do with it then either - but, besides being a dust collector for my mom, it was a great piece of innocent fun for this 10 year old mind. 

And - believe it or not - somehow I still have it sitting in a quasi-place of honor in my closet.

How about that giant clam shell that you cannot possibly live without?

Or that piece of 'southern lawn sculpture' that adds a smile while telling your neighbors a bit too much about your decorating taste?

But the 'piece de resistance' of Tom's is not 1 - but 2 - cheesy 'Florida Photo Ops':

Who could resist the chance to shoot a pic of the whole family in the mouth of jaws?

And where else could you get a shot of your 'deep sea diving' honey...
... with a 'close up', to boot?

This place is priceless, fun & free. 

And you might even learn a bit more about Fl history than in a $10 per person museum.

Or at least pick up a $4.99 fine piece of Fl art...
...that your kids - or grand kids - may treasure forever.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Sometimes you just need to sink your teeth into some delicious, nutritious rattlesnake.

When that urge grabs you - & you don't want to travel west to one of those gaining in popularity 'rattlesnake roundups' - where do you go?

How about St. Augustine - or if that's too far - why not the seat in front of your closest computer?

Yes, gourmets & gourmands, check out:

& now not only can you order:

But every kind of beef, turkey & exotic jerky...

... to titillate every taste.

And - starting at $2.49 for either a 1 oz. gator, elk or buffalo 'stick' 

Exotic Stick Jerky

- they can accommodate every wallet.

'But, Jack,' you may whine, 'I don't know whether I like buffalo or venison better than wild boar or teriyaki turkey.'

Well, my confused & teary eyed one, you have two options:

1. Travel to America's eldest town, stay in a quaint B&B, enjoy all the great historic sites/restaurants/bars & have Olde Town Jerky owner Lou give you a complimentary taste.
Lou intros Sandy to Gator Jerky


2. Stay home & order a variety pack.

Flat rate shipping is $4.95. Orders over $75 ships free. And patriotic Lou ships free to any soldier with an APO address.

All products are MSG & preservative free, high protein, low fat,
Grade A, USDA inspected meats.

And, since they say 'you are what you eat', maybe a can or 3 of

could be the perfect gift for a couple of your darling inlaws.