Thursday, September 1, 2011


Want to visit what not only could be Charleston's oldest house, but is also the site of the town's oldest tavern & (egads!)  possibly its oldest whorehouse?

And where you can walk in for FREE?

Then stop by The Pink House Gallery - 17 Chalmers Street - Mon-Sat 10 'til 5.

Sandy & I stumbled upon the tiny 3 story building in its latest form - a local art gallery - and were completely charmed by owner Alice Grimsley who welcomed us in with open arms & lots of tales about the place's shady past.

Originally built in the 1690s as a 'groggerie' & coffee house, Pinky soon found itself smack in the middle of the town's red light district (then called Mulatto Alley). Literally a place where pirates/thieves/cutthroats came for their '3 Ws' (whiskey, wenches & wittles - for those not up on your Dickens - in 'Great Expectations': wittles = food).

The 1st & 3rd 'W' were served on the ground floor. The 2nd -a floor above - by 4 ladies in four beds separated by hanging blankets.  The Playboy Mansion it wasn't.

Today - no matter how much you offer (or beg) - the only thing for sale is art. And fine art it is - at more than reasonable prices - all created by Alice, her 2 partners & local artists.

As an extra added feature - on the upper floor - you can see one of the town's famous iron 'earthquake bars' that's not a model but actually could save the place if Mother Nature goes multi-richter again. Yes, Charleston has had an earthquake or two in its past.

There's more (the only cooking fireplace, the special tiled roof, its Bermuda stone, the back garden etc.) but I'll let Alice tell you about it when you drop by the place.

It's worth the stop.


  1. Hi Alice,
    I lived in Wando Woods and went to Cokesbury United Methodist Church with your Family. My name is Lynda Harrington Reary and your sister Connie and I were good friends. My Grandmother was Mrs. Robinson. I have lived in Lenoir NC since 1971 but come to Charleston often to visit my family. We will come to visit your shop the next time I am home. My sister, daughter-in-law and myself love art. What are your hours?

  2. Alice's 'Pink House' is open Mon-Sat 10am - 5pm.
    I'll forward your message to her.
    Thanks for writing & for reading.
