Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Soup That Got The Presidential Seal Of Approval

Ever hear of 'She Crab Soup'? Neither had I, but it's a treat that has become synonymous with Charleston cooking (you can't walk by a local seafood restaurant menu without your eyes tripping over it) ever since it was served to the President of the United States.

Legend has it that President William Howard Taft was making one of his numerous visits to C'town's Mayor R. G. Rhett. It was no secret that the Prez was a food fan (look at his pics - he always had to be photographed with an extra wide lens), so RG wanted to serve something special for dinner.

Rhett's Butler (William Deas) mixed some creme, crab, sherry & (the special ingredient) she crab roe (crab eggs for those who don't spend your waking hours glued to the Food Channel) & an instant classic was born.

We enjoyed a bowl at the waterfront Fleet Landing eatery.

Charleston's Fleet Landing Restaurant

And as a bonus, you can watch the dolphins play in the water a few feet from their outdoor deck. (Don't worry, we passed the 'Fleet' at least a dozen times & they were always there.) 

                                                      Flipper's kin

Although She Crab is popular in other Carolina/Georgia eateries, locals swear that it tastes best at its place of birth. 

And they may be right.

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