Monday, September 19, 2011


                                                  Pedro (large version) & Sandy (reg. size)

Yes, for mega miles as motorists approach the NC/SC I-95 line, 'Pedro' billboards are still hawking the 'about to be reached pleasures' awaiting all who exit at the 'South of the Boarder' food/junk food/gas/fireworks/leather/anything-that-some-sucker-may-buy stop.

But sometime during the last fifty or so years, Pedro has changed. Today instead of his 'highway hawks' sounding like a cross between 'Cheech' Marin & Bill Dana's Jose Jimenez ('Hey muchachos , dis eeess de place' or something like that) they now could've been penned by a Connecticut Caucasian.

Either the big 'P' was bitten by the politically correct bug or maybe he just went to Harvard.  Whatever the case - at the risk of sounding very non PC - the billboards aren't as effective, memorable nor half as much fun. 

Sandy & some health food purchases

However the place still puts the 'ch' in 'cheesy'. 

So it's always worth a nostalgic pit stop for a fill up, a box of Good N' Plenty & a few 'no other place like it' laughs.


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