Wednesday, September 7, 2011


                                            Baltimore's National Aquarium

The less than happy truth is that you could shell out almost 30 clams per adult (Ok, it's $29.95 - a nickel less) & almost 25 per kid (ditto the 5 pennies) just to step inside the above building. The question of the day - is it really worth sinking that much of your hard earned travel coin to float a ticket?

Sadly, I have to say, 'No'.

But IT IS well worth seeing if you spend a 'fin' less.

Let me explain.

You can save that 'fiver' by simply deep sixing the extra cost of the cheesy '4D' nature movie and submarining the so bad Dolphin Show that even Flipper should hang his dorsal in shame. (However,  if you must spend time with our 'blow holed brothers' you can save the cash & still see the best aspect of this 'show' from a different (& better) vantage point - FOR FREE. I'll tell you later.)

Ok, after filleting those 2 dead in the water attractions, you can enjoy what BNA does probably better than anyone - teaching about everything on, under & around water while making learning it a hell of a lot of fun.

At Baltimore's tourist center, we were advised to spend 'about 3 hours' at the aquarium. Bad advice. We arrived at 11am and left a little after 5pm (only because we had another engagement or else they would have had to boot us out at closing). There's that much to see, learn and enjoy.

Whether you're into tropical fish,

predators of the deep,

rain forest snakes,

rain forest birds,

or are wondering why there's so many jellyfish this summer

this is your place. Plus you'll get to see some crocs, sting rays, turtles, prehistoric lung fish and scores of other animals & habitats.

And if you really want to see Flipper's cousins, simply go to the free dolphin viewing area (a few steps away from the sub par 'D' show) & watch the entire production underwater. Believe me, it's much better, costs nothing & you'll be spared the inane, droning narration.

And in glorious silence, you can really enjoy the poetic motions of these beautiful animals.

Come to think of it, that alone might be worth the price of admission.

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