Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sure, you might have been to the Washington Monument, walked the battlefields of Gettysburg, strolled through the halls of Congress, marched up Bunker Hill & even toured the White House (yawn) - but how many of you have been to this modern historic site?

I didn't think so.

It's the Beachcomber Bar on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights, NJ. To some, the site of one of the most important confrontations of the 21st century. 

For this is the spot, my dear history buffs, where (during the 1st season of MTV's wildly popular 'Jersey Shore' series) Snookie was rewarded for her great wit & wisdom by a less than happy fan.

Yes, you are looking at the place where the height (& brain) challenged one was unceremonously knocked unconscious by what was rumored to be a 'not so solid' right hook. 

Obviously he jabbed before the Snook could seduce him with the patented 'NJ Turnpike' move - a gyrating 'ass to crotch' grind - that was demo-ed just last night (on 'The Office' & 'Hangover' star  Ed Helms) by another JS alum in front of an incredulous Jay Leno. 

Nevertheless, it became the punch seen around the entire cable world.

For many this is truly hallowed ground.

But - so we may never forget - the Beachcomber management has spared no expense memorializing the exact spot of this infamous cold cocking...

Sandy sits on history
...with a commemorative spray painted bar stool.

Unfortunately there is no chalk outline of her underpants-less body sprawled on the floor nor nary a picture of her chin to fist meeting.

And no Jersey Shore cast members are hanging around to describe the details.

But Sandy did find someone at the Beachcomber who was more, articulate, pleasant to be with & much better looking than any of those self proclaimed super stars.

And - consensus has it - he has a higher IQ than the entire JS cast combined.

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