Wednesday, September 21, 2011


For a mere 7 Washingtons,  how could you refuse such an offer?

Well, we did. 

Sandy reminded me that we still had about a month left of our 8 week road trip, so we kept the cash in our pockets. Now we can only imagine what it's like to 'climb the spiral staircase through her insides & all the way up to the howdah on her back, providing a spectacular 360 (degree) view of the surrounding shore area'.

Alas, I think we erred. 

We missed out on fully seeing the National Historic Landmark: Lucy - the world's largest elephant.

Born in 1881, this 6 story sweetheart - just a few minutes south of Atlantic City's boardwalk - was originally built by a land developer to draw attention to his beach front lots.

Throughout the years she has been visited by world leaders, royalty & US presidents (but - ahem - not by Sandy & me). She's served as a hotel, real estate office, residence & for a while was a tavern. Rumor has it she was almost burnt to the ground by inebriated revelers. 

                          You can view the ocean through her eyes - so I'm told.

By the 60s, she was more than showing her age. Scheduled to be leveled for a condominium, she was rescued in the 11th hour by a 'Save Lucy Committee' & was moved to her present site.

In 1976 she was named a National Landmark by the US government as the oldest surviving example of 'zoomorphic' architecture.

Today, after a million or so in cosmetic surgeries, the girl is better than new:

And, although I really don't know what she looks like on the inside (belly located museum & all), from one vantage point - if you look very carefully - you can tell...

 ... Lucy has a couple of little 'panes' in her -let's say - 'butt'.

And maybe a big 6' one standing directly below it.

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